My Choice

Dream your dream with books and wisdom.

You need not change anything in your life, but merely change how you look at it.


You need not change anything in your life, but merely change how you look at it.

Thaddeus Golas 1924-1997 American author

You don’t need to change what you see. Just change how you look at things. You can’t change other people or things. You can change yourself. Take another look at what you see and what you have in your hands. Get out of your usual way of thinking and observe things from a different perspective. Observe people. If you change how you look at things, your brain and behavior will change. What do you receive from events, what meaning do you find in them, and how can you enrich your life? Instead of dwelling on things and getting depressed, focus your time and energy on what you can control. You don’t need to change what you see. Just change how you look at things. You can change yourself right now.

My Choice

