As you think, so shall you become.
Bruce Lee World-famous actor from Hong Kong
We become the people we think about in our daily lives. Always keep in mind what you want to be. Humans tend to forget easily. Keep it in your mind every day. If you can imagine the future you want every morning, noon, and night, you can notice hints that will help you get there. Then, by repeating actions and corrections based on those hints, you can become the person you imagined. Even if things don’t go as you initially imagined, there is value in being able to act, notice it, and correct it. That is progress toward success. That’s why it’s important to always have specific dreams and goals and keep thinking about them. It’s good to have goals, images, and numerical goals that are as simple and complete as possible. Always keep in your mind clear and complete dreams and goals that you can say when you see a shooting star.
My Choice