My Choice

Dream your dream with books and wisdom.

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.


Change is inevitable. Change is constant.

Benjamin Disraeli British politician and novelist 1804-1881

People, things, and the world are all constantly changing. What remains remains, and what is no longer needed disappears without people even noticing. We don’t even notice that it’s gone. For example, stores, music, food, books, words, companies, stories that were all the rage at one time…things that are not real disappear without people even noticing. So, things that survive the test of time are proof that they are real and represent the true essence of humanity. Stories, culture, art, companies, etc. People are born and they die. The human lifespan is at most 100 years. To survive beyond that means that they transcend the ages and capture the true essence of humanity and society. Things that remain unchanged in a world that is constantly changing. They may be invisible, or they may be visible. Either way, no matter how much the lifestyles of the world change, the true essence of humanity and true value lie hidden in the things that remain unchanged.

My Choice

