My Choice

Dream your dream with books and wisdom.

Control your own destiny or someone else will.


Control your own destiny or someone else will.

Jack Welch 1935-2020
American CEO

Life is about creating yourself. It is about taking responsibility for your life, making choices, and creating your own path with confidence. We can control our lives. It is not other people or the environment that cannot be changed, but you yourself who change the way you see things, change your thoughts, and change your actions flexibly. At each moment, you make choices that you can believe in from the bottom of your heart. If you have time to complain about reality, blame others, or criticize others, use your time and thoughts to control your own life and make reality better for you. When you criticize someone and do not take action to make changes yourself, you can say that your precious life and time are being controlled by others. People who are controlled do not realize that they are being controlled. You should control your own destiny. Only you can create a life that you feel truly satisfied with.

My Choice

