Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950
Irish writer, playwright and politician. Nobel Prize in Literature, Academy Award
Are you searching for yourself forever? Are you being complacent, thinking that if you wait and keep searching, someday, at some point, you will understand who you are? Life is something you create for yourself. You can create your own life. Time is limited, and you will grow old in the blink of an eye. If you keep putting it off like this, saying “After I gain more experience,” or “I’m busy now, so when I have more time…” because you don’t have the courage to take on a challenge, you will reach an age where you no longer have the mental or physical strength you had when you were younger. Who do you want to meet, where do you want to go, what kind of person do you want to be? It’s all up to you. It changes depending on your thoughts and actions. If you act as if the things, people, and events around you are all your responsibility, you will become stronger. You will feel that the small happiness that you have overlooked until now is the greatest happiness, and at the same time, turn the urge to change, obtain, and achieve something into action. You can create your own life. What do you want to get in life?
My Choice