No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.
Andrew Carnegie 1835-1919
American Businessman, steel king
“Here lies a man who was able to surround himself with men far cleverer than himself.”
A good leader is someone who can see what others are good at, give them a place to develop their talents, and lead them to work with joy and want to learn without being told to do so. Not only can they see the character and talents of others, but they also have generosity and humor, and are attractive and trustworthy to those around them. They are people who make those around them think, “I want to use my time, effort, and talent for this person.” Such people, whose mentality and abilities are worthy of respect, are good leaders. Just as flowers bloom in the spring light, good leaders are people who can bring out the talents of others.
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