My Choice

Dream your dream with books and wisdom.

One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. Benjamin Disraeli


One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

Benjamin Disraeli 1804-1881
British politician and novelist

There are two stages.
First, can you notice that an opportunity is there, that it is approaching? Those who are not prepared will not notice that an opportunity is right around the corner. Are you someone who notices an opportunity, or someone who does not even notice that there is an opportunity in the first place?
Secondly, if you have been preparing and training every day and have noticed that an opportunity has come. At that time, will you be able to grab that opportunity with your own hands? If you have made the effort to prepare and work hard every day and have noticed that a rare and irreplaceable opportunity is right around the corner, grab it with your own hands. The goddess of victory runs away quickly.
In general, it is impossible to predict when the opportunity will come when your daily efforts and talents will blossom all at once. However, if you always keep your antenna up and prepare every day, you can create your own opportunities and attract wonderful opportunities. Therefore, it is important to never lose sight of your goal, continue to work hard sincerely, and always think about things from a bird’s eye view, trying and improving repeatedly.

